Map & Compass Training

Map & Compass Training
with Neil Suneson, Sr. Geologist of the OK Geological Society
March 27th & 28th, 2010
Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge

For more information or to register for the Map and Compass Training, please see the links below:

Map and Compass Training Details
OA Guide to Map and Compass
Map and Compass Registration Form
Map Margin Information

Participation Limits: Training is limited to 30 people.  Children 12 years old & up are welcome.  RSVP is required by Saturday February 27.

Neil Suneson has a BA Amherst College, MS Arizona State, PhD UC Santa Barbara – all in geology.  He worked for the USGS producing geologic maps in Arizona and California, and worked for Chevron Geothermal producing geologic maps in Oregon and Nevada. Neil started with OK Geological Survey in 1986.  His major project was mapping the geology of the northern part of the Ouachita Mountains. After that, Neil was involved with mapping the geology of parts of the OK Panhandle and the OKC metro area. Neil has spent his whole geological career mapping.

Currently, Neil still works for the OGS, also teaches OU’s summer field camp in Canon City, CO. This involves, for the most part, teaching students to appreciate the value of and effort that goes into producing geologic maps.

This is an in depth, hands-on, outdoor classroom to learn the fundamentals of using a map with a compass, an opportunity to orient through short orienteering courses, and a four-hour topo-feature field hike.  Class objectives:

Map and Compass TrainingMap and Compass TrainingMap and Compass Training

Orientation Night, Wednesday March 10, 2010 6pm -9pm – Required
In Oklahoma City; exact location soon to be announced.
·       How to read a topographical map – pass 3 map tests to show competency
·       Importance of using a map and compass together
·       How and why you should know where you are on the map
·       Make pacing beads

Weekend Training, March 27 & 28, 2010, at Wichita Mountains Refuge
·       Adjusting for declination
·       Using a compass with a map
·       Taking a bearings
·       Finding your line of travel
·       How to measure your distance
·       Triangulation
·       Combining all skills with orienteering courses and a 4 hour hike

RSVP to: Adrianne Holmes –,
405-935-8507 work, 405-715-0811 home. 

Watch this site for registration forms, training details and requirements, maps, housing information, handouts, etc.--or just call Adrianne, since there’s only room for the first 30.

RSVP is required by Saturday February 27, 2010