August 16, 2007 "In The Crosshairs"

In The Crosshairs Newsletter

August 16, 2007

SCI Lion
More on the Tanzania fee issue

SCI was notified by the Tanzanian outfitter association, TAHOA, that it will meet with government officials soon to discuss the issue of increased trophy and concession fees. TAHOA said that in the meantime hunting in Tanzania was continuing as usual. For more information on the Tanzania fee issue, see our website at

SCI Lion
New Jersey Black Bear Management: Here We Go Again!

Once again, SCI is fighting tooth and nail to reinstate an annual black bear hunt in New Jersey. This time, it involves dueling black bear management strategies. One set of strategies proposed by the State Fish and Game Council favors holding annual bear hunts because they are the only scientifically-proven method of controlling black bear populations. The other set, put out by the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, insists on non-lethal measures to the exclusion of a hunt. The State agencies will have to try to come up with a single set of management policies. On August 6, 2007, SCI presented oral comments at a hearing in Trenton and on August 15, SCI submitted extensive written comments on the different strategies. SCI’s comments focused on (1) using science (not politics or emotion) to make wildlife management decisions, (2) the need to hold an annual bear hunt as the only means to control the population (in addition to using non-lethal measures such as education and bear-proofing garbage), and (3) the value of a hunt for recreational and other benefits. SCI also included two reports from a nationally-known bear expert in support of SCI’s positions. SCI’s comments can be found here or at, Government Affairs, Litigation News. We will continue to keep you posted.